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Easy to destroy cellulite &
slimming treatment


What is Cellulite?

​橙皮组织,也叫橙皮纹,医学上叫做蜂窝组织 (cellulite), 看上去很像橙子的皮,所以称为橙皮组织。

Cellulite, also known as orange peel streaks, is medically called cellulite, which looks a lot like the peel of an orange, so it is called orange peel tissue.
Cellulite is usually present in the thighs, buttocks, arms, abdomen, and waist.




a) 男性的“袋子”是完整的,所以“装”在结缔组织里的脂肪不会漏出真皮层;
b) 女性的“袋子”有空隙,装在结缔组织里的脂肪容易从空隙溢出真皮层,脂肪溢出就会导致皮肤凹凸不平,就是我们肉眼看见的橙皮组织。

What the??
Cellulite mostly grows on women's skin?!!

Yes, cellulite mostly grows on women's skin, and a few appear on men's skin.
Because the connective tissue of the male skin is connected together to form a network that is able to support the weight of fat; The connective tissue of the female skin is not connected, and the fat is unevenly stressed, protruding to the dermis layer, on the surface of the skin, forming the orange peel tissue we see with the naked eye. Women's skin is thinner than men's, so subcutaneous fat appears more visibly on the surface of the skin.

STOP ✋🏻!!
Speak the language 😂😂

In short, imagine that connective tissue is like a "bag of fat."
a) The "bag" of the man is intact, so that the fat "contained" in the connective tissue does not leak out of the dermis layer;
b) Women's "bags" have gaps, and the fat contained in connective tissue is easy to overflow from the gap to the dermis layer, and fat overflow will cause the skin to be uneven, which is the orange peel tissue we see with the naked eye.






What causes the appearance of cellulite on the skin?


❌NO, NO, NO !!!❌

橙皮组织 ≠ 肥胖/体重超重

Is cellulite related to obesity?
Overweight to grow cellulite?

​❌NO, NO, NO !!! ❌

Cellulite ≠ obesity/overweight



1) 遗传- 我们的基因决定了我们的“袋子”(结缔组织)是否容易被脂肪挤开,而我们的基因是由父母遗传的,如果母亲身上有橙皮组织的话,女儿将来也会有同样的烦恼哦!

2) 荷尔蒙- 女性的荷尔蒙会影响身体内部的细胞,例如在一些特殊的生理阶段:青春期,怀孕,更年期,等等。尤其是孕妇,脂肪会逐渐囤积在腰间、臀部和腿部,以准备哺乳用。再加上女性在生育后,皮肤内的胶原蛋白和弹性纤维逐渐松弛下来,影响了皮肤的紧致度。

3)年龄- 女性随着年龄的增长,皮下的纤维组织就会增厚,而表皮会同时变薄,也就凸显了皮下的小浅窝了。而且,由于长时间久坐和身体机能衰退,以及血液循环和排泄系统开始出现毛病,脂肪很容易积聚在纤维网中,令身体不能通过血液吸取足够的氧分和营养,使有毒物质(包括脂肪)不能排出体外,以致桔皮组织从腿背至腰腹蔓延开来。

4)饮食不均衡- 由于女性储存在下半身的脂肪是上半身的六倍,而消耗下半身的脂肪却要比上半身慢六倍,因此,如果在日常饮食中吸取过量脂肪和糖分,但体内又没有足够的水分和蛋白质的话,便会影响消化系统,从而令下半身积聚更多脂肪。此外,每天习惯喝咖啡、茶和碳酸饮料的女性更要注意,因为这些饮料中含有毒素,会产生利尿效果,造成缺水的现象,因此会增加橙皮组织出现的机率。


The appearance of orange peel is not entirely due to obesity or overweight, there are other reasons besides obesity. What causes the skin to appear cellulite?

Let's take a look at what causes the appearance of cellulite:

1) Heredity - Our genes determine whether our "bags" (connective tissue) are easily squeezed open by fat, and our genes are inherited by our parents, if the mother has orange peel tissue, the daughter will have the same trouble in the future!

2) Hormones - Female hormones affect cells inside the body, for example during some special physiological stages: puberty, pregnancy, menopause, etc. Especially in pregnant women, fat will gradually accumulate in the waist, buttocks and legs in preparation for breastfeeding. In addition, after women give birth, the collagen and elastic fibers in the skin gradually relax, affecting the firmness of the skin.

3) Age - As women age, the fibrous tissue under the skin will thicken, and the epidermis will thin at the same time, which will highlight the small shallow nest under the skin. Moreover, due to the long-term sitting and the decline of body functions, as well as the blood circulation and excretion system began to malfunction, fat is easy to accumulate in the fiber network, so that the body can not absorb enough oxygen and nutrients through the blood, so that toxic substances (including fat) can not be excreted, so that orange peel tissue from the back of the legs to the waist and abdomen spread.

4) Diet is unbalanced - Because women store six times as much fat in the lower body as the upper body, and consume the fat in the lower body is six times slower than the upper body, therefore, if you absorb excess fat and sugar in your daily diet, but there is not enough water and protein in the body, it will affect the digestive system, so that the lower body accumulates more fat. In addition, women who are accustomed to drinking coffee, tea and carbonated drinks every day should pay more attention, because these drinks contain toxins, which will produce a diuretic effect and cause a lack of water, so it will increase the chance of the appearance of orange peel tissue.

In addition to the above reasons, there are also slow metabolism, low body exercise, toxins and inflammation in the body, sudden weight gain leading to increased fat tissue, lack of collagen, poor blood circulation (often sedentary), poor lymphatic drainage, and thinner and looser epidermis



Is there any way to get rid of cellulite?


Classic Women Beauty Salon 有一项治疗是针对消除橙皮组织,那就是——Anti-Cellulite & Slimming Therapy​ 消除橙皮组织&瘦身治疗





* 注:如果脂肪太硬导致出现橙皮组织,在使用消除橙皮组织精华油的同时,我们会使用小玻璃瓶,将硬块脂肪推散,软化以后才按摩。

The best way to remove tangerine peel tissue is to massage it!!

Classic Women Beauty Salon has one treatment for cellulite elimination, which is Anti-Cellulite & Slimming Therapy Cellulite Elimination & Slimming Therapy

I believe we all know that once the orange peel is formed, it is not easy to remove, if it is because of obesity caused by orange peel tissue, weight loss or exercise to burn fat can not completely remove the orange peel tissue.

Our Cellulite Elimination & Slimming Treatment is the elimination of cellulite through massage. Because massage can create pressure on the outside of obesity lines, it can also promote blood circulation, help eliminate orange peel tissue, and strengthen the skin's repair effect.

We use essential oils containing seaweed, green tea, ivy, ginkgo biloba and other plant extracts, which can help slim and tighten the skin, massage essence oil with the effect of eliminating orange peel tissue, and tools (3 small iron rods) to focus on improving the problem of orange peel tissue!

One of our treatments is about 1 hour, and during the massage, our body will start to slowly become hot, which is what we call accelerated blood circulation. When the skin starts to get hot, it means that our body is absorbing the essential oils that have the effect of eliminating cellulite.

* Note: If the fat is too hard to cause the appearance of orange peel tissue, while using the cellulite elimination essential oil, we will use a small glass bottle to push the hard fat apart and soften it before massage.


Anti-Cellulite & Slimming Therapy


First Trial : RM 188 (1 part)

Normal price : RM 268 (1 part)




No.32-3, Jalan PJU 5/11,

Dataran Sunway,

Kota Damansara, 47610 P.j, Selangor

Address :

Pandan Indah

M5-B-18 Jalan Pandan Indah 4/1

Pandan Indah 55100
Kuala Lumpur

Tel : 016-7368622/014-3822768

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